Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What will the Team be doing?

Large building that contains 2 classrooms - water tank in back

As our Kenya team prepares for our time serving in Huruma this coming August things are moving along at a very swift pace.  Our project has several parts that include repairs on the school, visiting families, a trip with the kids to a park and sharing our God Story and material goods with each student's family along with those we work with and those God brings into our path.


Our construction project is to remove and replace the roofs of both buildings that contain the 3 classrooms & teacher's storeroom and construct interior ceilings to keep out the rain, heat and dirt.  The classroom floors will be cemented and tiled.  They also need to do repair work to the kitchen and run a water line from the water tank (behind one building) to the kitchen in the play yard.  One of our team members is looking into the possibility of a stove that can be constructed that would be much safer (rather than an open fire) and would use less wood.

While 1/2 the team is working on construction with the local people, the others will be in two teams with an interpreter and each team will visit 10 families each day (total 20 families a day x 4 days = 80 families).  During the visit we will build relationships with the families, ask for prayer needs and pray with the families.  We will deliver a food package (a week's supplies), a Bible in Kiswahili, first aid kits, a coloring book & crayon for each child.  Each boy will receive a shirt and pair of socks and each girl a dress and socks.

The first Saturday we are there we will take all the children to a nearby playground on a bus.  For so many this will be their first time out of Huruma or in a vehicle.  We'll also provide them a picnic lunch of hot dogs - a first for all of them.  We hope to be able to purchase 1 or 2 sewing machines and teach a few of the moms how to sew uniforms and start a sewing business to help support their families.

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