Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The second flight - Nairobi Airport

Our second flight from Amsterdam to Nairobi was 8 hours. We had to go to thru another security to get to the gate area. Our plane as you can see is huge, a double decker. For some reason we're not on the top floor where first class sits. 

When our van comes to meet us a group of men begin helping us load. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings as they are so graciously helping us load. When asked to give them money for helping we Do. They ask us for 5 or ten or even 50. Some of us don't know what to do so we give them money. 5 dollars here, 10 there, 5 there, another 10. Little did we know they were meaning shillings.... We gave them dollars. Lesson learned .... Wait to follow Suzan's lead. Schillings are a lot different than dollars.

It's so amazing at how chilly it is here, it feels wonderful to me but you can see the Kenyans with heavy coats on. 

We made it to heart lodge and unload our 30+ bags. George, who runs Heart Lodge shows us to our rooms. I am shocked at how beautiful the rooms are and so big. The greatest part of it all, we can flush our toilet paper - woo hoo!

We are asked to go to the dining room as they have a snack for us. How amazing that its 10 p.m. And they give us something wonderful to eat and it's warm. We are blessed

The top picture is of a meat veggie filled pastry, so delicious and the bottom pic is of a lemon type cake. I need to get the recipe!

Goodnight everyone!

Da Plane ... Da Plane ... Da 10 hour Plane

We got to the airport without any problems. Some of us got a Starbucks as we knew it would be awhile before we could get another. Some people were worried they wouldn't get much food on the plane but they were wrong, they feed us quite often and not too shabby either. 
Our layover in Amsterdam was a much needed break after the 10 hour flight. While we're waiting to load for our next flight, Rob and I are betting who gets to sit next to the loud, screaming kids.  Another exciting thing that happened was Paul got a thorough pat down! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Team Prayer Requests

Suzan – Safety and health and for God to work in the heart of each team member. That the Huruma families will know God’s love as we build relationships. with them.
Joy – Pray I feel at peace leaving work. Also, that I can love on the people there and share the love of Christ.
Paul – For guidance in finding a new home and direction in my life. Rom. 12:12
Julie – Pray that I will fly well, with no fear. Pray that I will let God be the lead and I will be a good listener. To show God’s love.
Heather – Pray God will give me peace as I travel, calm my fears and most importantly that God will give me guidance as I serve in Africa & develop relationships with people in Huruma.
Brandon – Pray we have a safe flight with great pilots.  Pray for lots of courage and strength.
Andy - Pray for the safety and security of my family and the Huruma Team.
Tommy – Spiritual sensitivity and alertness to all that’s going on in Huruma and Nairobi. Answer to prayer - God planted the Africa mission call in my heart at age 7. Until now I have been waiting for His timing. Fulfilling God's call touches my heart like nothing else. It is my life's purpose.
Rob – Pray for a very specific part I should play in the ministry in Kenya. Pray for my personal strength and joy as we serve.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

VBS Kids Gives Big!

The end of June NACC put on a VBS program for primary kids. The mission project was to raise $400 for 80 food packages for the Huruma families of our Nursery School students. Enough food to feed the family for at least a week. The children were excited to help and soon the “Boys” and “Girls” pail filled each day with their offerings. By the end of the week they had brought in $646.00 – over and above the need. It was decided that the extra $246 would help buy Kiswahili Bibles for each family. Along with those offerings our Middle School Students had their week long Extreme Vacation and they jumped onto the challenge too. Those students were able to raise an additional $486 which will be used for Bibles and play equipment,

There were some sweet stories that illustrate how God touches the heart of children. One young girl had gathered up groceries from home and brought them in for us to take to the Huruma families. After playing a game of soccer with a ball made out of plastic bags like the children in Huruma play with another boy brought in 4 soccer balls that he wanted the Huruma kids to have so they could play with “real” balls. Before VBS a little 8 year old girl came up with the idea to make nap blankets out of fleece and the VBS kids were able to tie 23 blankets to take. Another 8 year old girl had gone door to door in her neighborhood collecting donations by selling her little crafts and raised over $100. God was and is touching these children and I am sure we will not be aware of His working in their hearts for years to come.