Sunday, August 4, 2013

Aug 3 - Our First Day of Work

We woke up this morning to gray skies and a light mist. During the night it poured down rain so we knew we were in for a muddy day.

When we arrived at the school we were greeted by men who had already taken the roof off. There were children waiting by the gate so happy to see us. How can you not just love all those smiling faces.

The men got right to work while we ladies waited to see what the weather would do. They were worried it would be treacherous for us if it started to rain. We helped the ladies with making tea and butter sandwiches for a snack. The ladies work over an open fire in a tiny room. The smoke doesn't all go out so the ladies breathe this in daily.

The picture to the left is of Susan.  She is 40 years old and has 3 children, the oldest being 27 years old.  She also has an 11 month old grandchild.  She has gathered wood twice a week for the last 20 years to sell to the people of the community.  It is a very strenuous job that takes her an entire day.  She would like prayer to find a daily job that pays more and is less taxing on her body.

The family to the right is John and Virginia, on the far right and left. They have their grandson living with them and a neighbor, Margaret is visiting who is 80. They all are dealing with health issues and live in pain on a daily basis. Little John would like to find another job and continue his education. Please pray for both of these situations.

When we got back to the school, lunch was ready and the men had gotten a lot done. We had a traditional Huruma meal of ugali and sakimawiki which is corn mush and sautéed greens. It was really good.

After lunch we headed back to work and visited more families. We were so great full for all the parents who came to help by cutting back bushes, filling holes, and general cleanup.

Keep us in your prayers as we still have a lot to do!

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