Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 14 - Final Day

It's hard to say goodbye to everyone and everything here. We've made some incredible friends and we feel we've made a difference. 

Chris is sharing with the group how much has been accomplished. We are so glad to have been a part of this. We know God has brought us all together and we know we'll be back.

Brandon has started a chant with the children which started the first day we got here, "Jambo, jambo, jambo ... Jambo all the day" ... It's so cute to hear them all echo this when Brandon starts this.

Here the kids are ready to go. We asked that they wear their uniforms so we would recognize them and not lose anyone ... Little did we know there wouldn't be anyone else at the park besides us.

Here is teacher Gladys and her class, she has over 30 students in her class. Our hope is to limit the numbers in each class. We want each child to get a quality education as well as to learn about God and this can't happen if the classes are too large. Pray with us that this school will become a place where everyone wants to send their children.

Hellen is giving out the First Aid kits that were made. Thank you NACC for donating the items for these, the people were thrilled.

This was one of the rides at "Rock City". It's not really an amusement park per se, it's more like a carnival. 

This was another ride and we only had one child throw up! YAY!! And yes, that is metal lying really close to the swing but no one seemed to mind. :)

As you can see, the kids loved the merry-go-round. 

Trying to get the kids organized. 

Having fun on the bounce house ... This was one of the favorites of the kids.

We walked over to the grassy area and let the kids play with bouncy balls and then eat their lunches which consisted of a hotdog, French fries, juice boxes, and oranges. The kids really enjoyed their food.

Here the kids are in a huge circle and we played games with them. 

Here we all are ... What a great group of kids, teachers, and helpers. Thank you so much for supporting these wonderful kids!

Here the kids received their gift bags which they promptly put around their heads to carry. They were so tired from the days events but couldn't wait to see what they had been given. Thank you to everyone who sewed dresses, gave coloring books and crayons, donated toothbrushes and paste, and socks.

After a wonderful day with the kids, it was time to head out, us to Heart Lodge, and the kids back to Huruma. The ride on the bus was fun for the kids as well.

As we drove back to the lodge, there were some tears as we had to say goodbye to the teachers and kids. What a blessing they all are. Keep praying for Huruma Nursery School, their families, the teachers, and the community.

We had dinner early as we needed to get to the airport due to the fire the previous week. As we're finishing up it begins to pore down rain. David, who is from Huruma, says in Africa this is a sign from God that He is giving us a blessing. Thank you for the blessings to us Lord. You are great and greatly to be praised!


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