Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Aug 6 - Kids, kids, in our hair!

We've begun to think we've brought the Oregon weather with us. It drizzled all night and the skies are overcast and it's cold again.

As usual we wanted to control the chaos so Heather had the bright idea to bring out the tables and chairs to get the kids to color and draw pictures. Suzan started with the ABC's and then asked the kids to draw pictures of animals. They started to sing the ABC song and other Sunday school songs. Tea and buttered bread was served to everyone for their snack.This went well for awhile until the kids decided the plastic chairs were better on their heads than to sit on. Heather and Suzan decided to put the chairs away for safety's sake.

The men got right to work installing the ceiling strips in the baby classroom. The electrician came to do the wiring and to make sure this was done properly. 

As we waited for our lunch to be prepared, Joy decided to get her hair braided by the girls there. They were pulling her hair every which way. They told her "if you want beautiful, don't feel pain!" 

Heather and Julie went with Hellen to do some visiting. They stopped at Hellen's nieces house, Pauline, who is the mother of one child with one on the way. She is a hairstylist and her husband is a gardener. She works at a salon and she wants to help her husband go back to school to teach. Their desire is to be able to move out! 

At the same time teacher Beatrice and Suzan visited the mother of Vivian who's daughter is in the baby class. She told them that when she can get work, she makes 200 shillings a day, which is about $2.50. This is what it costs to feed a family of five for one day. So you see it's difficult to pay rent, pay for school needs, when you need food.

Lunch was ready and again we ate ugali and sukumiwiki. Suzan and Joy helped with cleaning up after lunch the area for the men. 

Julie and Heather went out to visit again. This was a disaster. Heather slipped in the mud, fell on her hands and knees, continued to slide over onto her backside and then rolled over onto her stomach as she kept rolling down the hill. Poor Heather had a whole audience of watchers! They felt so bad for her, one girl ran to get water to help! The kids actually thought that Heather was dirty when they were even more so.

By the end of the day the men had completed one ceiling, started another, and was a third of the way done on yet another. They really worked hard today. Pray for them as there is still a lot left to do with only four full working days left.

Good Night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for keeping up on blogging! I imagine you all are exausted, I really appreciate it! We're all praying for you over here and all the people you blog about too!
